

自從發佈了上一個遊戲 「配一對」 之後,就埋首開發了新的遊戲系列,這系列遊戲將會以故事作為主要遊戲的過程,再在當中加入互動的元素。如果你有興趣,可以瀏覽我的另一個博客網站

話說回來,我為什麼會開發一個這樣的遊戲的,因為小時候曾經玩過一種在故事書上的遊戲,讀著故事的時候,有時會來到一個需要我做決定的地方,然後我做了決定之後,再根據書上的指示翻到相關頁面繼續故事。因為自己還蠻喜歡這種故事書,就嘗試把這種遊戲體驗搬到了遊戲 App 上去


現在正在等待蘋果 App Store 的審核,也讓我有點空檔完成還沒準備到位的推廣素材。祝我好運吧



自从发布了上一个游戏 “配一对” 之后,就埋首开发了新的游戏系列,这系列游戏将会以故事作为主要游戏的过程,再在当中加入互动的元素。如果你有兴趣,可以浏览我的另一个博客网站

话说回来,我为什么会开发一个这样的游戏的,因为小时候曾经玩过一种在故事书上的游戏,读着故事的时候,有时会来到一个需要我做决定的地方,然后我做了决定之后,再根据书上的指示翻到相关页面继续故事。因为自己还蛮喜欢这种故事书,就尝试把这种游戏体验搬到了游戏 App 上去


现在正在等待苹果 App Store 的审核,也让我有点空档完成还没准备到位的推广素材。祝我好运吧

Personal Update

It has been another 2 months since I release my last iPad game, and what have I been after that?

I have started another new game product line which incorporate some interactive elements into a story flow.

This is one of the game that I played back then during youth time, but in book form. I am unsure if you played before, that there is a kind of book that, when you reading through the story, it will prompt you to make a decision, and direct you to flip to certain page based on the decision you have made. I am just bringing this kind of game play and made it as an story game app.

While there were some publishers who publish similar kind of game, in terms of graphics-centric and dialogue format, I stick back to story-based on text, with horror story theme, but adding a new game play element into it. I leave it as a surprising element in the game flow and let the players or readers to discover it themselves. 😉

It has been now waiting for App Store review while I will completing the marketing materials preparation. Wish me luck.

Simply Match released to iPad

Simply Match is the third game of my Simply Game Series. All the games in my Simply Game Series are aim to be casual in nature to fill in-between time of players. Hope you enjoy this new short game. If you have feedback or comments or even complaints, please feel free to contact me via the email simplyappdeveloper@gmail.com

Simply Match

iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/simply-match/id980892017

There are 2 different game mode for this game.

If you are only 1 person by yourself, you can try the single player mode whereby you should drag a marble, at a time, to another marble with the same number before the health bar runs out. Every correct match will heal a little to the health bar. What will be your high score? It will become more challenging along the way of getting higher score.

If you are with somebody beside you, you can challenge him/her with the ‘Versus Play‘ whereby both of you compete to drag marble to the square with the same number, to drain the opponent health bar until it runs out before you. Some marbles have special effect, that will be left for you to explore.

Anytime if you need more information, just tap on the question mark on the game screen, it will pause the game and provides you with more information

Simply Match Dual Player Mode Screenshot

Simply Match Dual Player Mode

Simply Match Single Player Mode Screenshot

Single Player Mode

iPad 小游戏 “配一对” 发行了

作为快手游戏系列的第三炮,配一对,终于发布在 iOS 平台了。这款游戏也是以休闲为中心的小游戏,志在让玩家在等待事情或想度过空档的时候可以轻松一下。 希望你们会喜欢。不过,目前我只发布在 iPad 上,稍后如果有需求,可能会再发布 iPhone 版本的。如果你有任何回馈或意见甚至是投诉,可以通过电邮 simplyappdeveloper@gmail.com 联络我


iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/simply-match/id980892017



如果你和朋友或家人在一起,你可以 ‘对决模式‘ 直接挑战他:你们需要将珠子拉到自己拥有同样数字的方格上,来攻击对手,直到对手的生命值归零来获取胜利。游戏内也有一些拥有特殊效果的珠子帮助你扭转局势,详情就等你来发掘了






iPad 小遊戲 “配一對” 發行了

作為快手游戲系列的第三砲,配一,終於發佈在iOS 平台了。這款遊戲也是以休閒為中心的小遊戲,志在讓玩家在等待事情或想度過空檔的時候可以輕鬆一下。希望你們會喜歡。不過,目前我只發佈在iPad 上,稍後如果有需求,可能會再發布iPhone 版本的。如果你有任何回饋或意見甚至是投訴,可以通過電郵simplyappdeveloper@gmail.com 聯絡我


iTunes URL: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/simply-match/id980892017



如果你和朋友或家人在一起,你可以’對決模式‘ 直接挑戰他:你們需要將珠子拉到自己擁有同樣數字的方格上,來攻擊對手,直到對手的生命值歸零來獲取勝利。遊戲內也有一些擁有特殊效果的珠子幫助你扭轉局勢,詳情就等你來發掘了。




