Personal Update

It has been another 2 months since I release my last iPad game, and what have I been after that?

I have started another new game product line which incorporate some interactive elements into a story flow.

This is one of the game that I played back then during youth time, but in book form. I am unsure if you played before, that there is a kind of book that, when you reading through the story, it will prompt you to make a decision, and direct you to flip to certain page based on the decision you have made. I am just bringing this kind of game play and made it as an story game app.

While there were some publishers who publish similar kind of game, in terms of graphics-centric and dialogue format, I stick back to story-based on text, with horror story theme, but adding a new game play element into it. I leave it as a surprising element in the game flow and let the players or readers to discover it themselves. 😉

It has been now waiting for App Store review while I will completing the marketing materials preparation. Wish me luck.

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